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Working 在一起 to Respond to Systemic and Institutional Anti-Black Racism

在乔治·弗洛伊德被惨无人道地杀害之后, Ahmaud Arbery和Regis Korchinski-Paquet, 在许多其他方面, we're confronting systemic and institutional racism across North America.



在最后一周, as the world continued to face a virus that has upended the lives of many, we saw another all-too-familiar virus rear its head in communities in the United States and Canada. 在乔治·弗洛伊德被惨无人道地杀害之后, Ahmaud Arbery和Regis Korchinski-Paquet, 在许多其他方面, we’re confronting systemic and institutional racism across North America.

我们感到震惊,并与黑人社区站在一起, 声称这是不可接受的,必须做出改变. 我们支持所有在美国和世界各地抗议的人, risking their lives in the midst of a global pandemic to speak out against systemic injustice and in support of the Black community, 哪个国家受COVID-19的影响最大. We are deeply dismayed that nothing seems to change and acknowledge that we need to step up and do more to effect meaningful change.

洛杉矶分会发表的声明 美国建筑师学会(AIA) |LA,雄辩而简洁地反映了AG平台的立场. 这也说明了我们作为一家公司可以做些什么, 直面黑人建筑师代表性不足的问题, 工程师, 景观建筑师, interior designers and the many other disciplines that make up our profession.

We feel strongly that our words must be backed up with actions, and that the time for action is NOW. 为此,我们承诺:

  1. AG平台目前赞助 全国少数民族建筑师组织 (NOMA)洛杉矶县夏令营项目. 我们在洛杉矶的工作人员致力于领导这些营地. We will expand our relationship and support of NOMA to a national level, with the view to sponsor these programs in other US cities where the firm has a presence.
  2. IBI Group has a scholarship program awarded to students in programs related to the firm’s core areas of practice. 虽然这项奖学金对所有学生开放, for the 2020 academic year it will be awarded to Black students in each of our three sectors – Intelligence, 楼宇及基建.
  3. IBI Group will expand its internship program and make available positions specifically for Black students in offices across the firm.
  4. IBI Group has offered our COVID-19 Rapid Response Parametric Modeling capabilities to the 全国医学会 (NMA)免费. 我们承诺与Dr. 奥利弗·布鲁克斯, NMA主席, 扩大我们和这个组织的关系, and will explore other opportunities to assist in fighting the global pandemic in underprivileged areas.
  5. IBI正在AG真人试玩网址的员工, seeking their views on initiatives we can take as a firm to fight racial injustice and social/economic inequities in Black communities where the firm has a presence. We will be collecting resources and compiling a toolkit for staff with reliable anti-racist sources of information to support in their further education and awareness of these pressing issues.

There is no place for racial injustice in the cities of tomorrow that we aspire to. 我们鼓励你去阅读 在“黑人的命也重要”时代成为父母, 是美国黑人诗人写的, 克林特·史密斯, 关于有一天他会和他的孩子们的对话. 这是一个我们都应该和我们的孩子进行的对话.


6月2日, 2020 – We are appalled by and condemn the unjustifiable killing of George Floyd and offer condolences to his family, 朋友和社区. 我们谴责一切种族暴力和不公正行为, 包括最近对布里欧娜·泰勒的谋杀, Ahmaud Arbery, 还有许多人被无情地从我们的社区中分离出来. We acknowledge that this violence and injustice has targeted Black Americans more often, 而且更恶毒, 与其他社区相比, 其根源可以追溯到几个世纪以前, 为我们国家的建立干杯.

We support and offer solidarity to those who are raising their voices against the unjustifiable killing of Black Americans. As architects who believe in the power of public space and free assembly, 我们谴责城市公共领域日益军事化的现象. We cannot ignore that there are legacies of past and present-day inequities in our own profession and related fields, including land-use and lending discrimination and the underrepresentation of Black architects in firms of all sizes. 最后, we concede that statements are easier than action and commit to doing the work of confronting barriers to racial justice and striving to dismantle them.

